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Beechland Lincoln Markers

Washington County historian, Miss Olive Walker, during the 1950s era, identified significant Beechland historic sites at which wood plaques were placed. One of the goals of the Lincoln Foundation is to replace these deteriorated plaques with permanent bronze markers.

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The Housekeeping Cabin

Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Cabin in which they went to “Housekeeping" in 1805. Their first child, Nancy, who died in infancy was born here and is buried near the site of the cabin which was moved to Harrodsburg about 1912.



Latitude 37.77236

Longitude -85.19524



The Lincoln Spring

This spring which still runs today was the water source for Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks when they moved here in 1805. Then later, after their marriage in 1806, Nancy and Thomas lived in the Housekeeping cabin with Sara and Abraham until Abraham was about 18 months old. A young neighbor, William Hardesty, was hired to stay with Nancy while Thomas was away. The cabin was located approximately 100 feet east of the spring.



Latitude 37.77236

Longitude -85.19524


General Area of the murder of Captain Abraham Lincoln

This is also the site of the Pioneer Cemetery where some eighty pioneers are said to be buried, including Captain Abraham Lincoln, grandfather of President Lincoln, and Naomi Shipley Mitchell, aunt of the President.



Latitude 37.6488

Longitude 85.21018


Board member, Mike Crain, is pictured with the historical plaque that marks the general area where the grandfather of President Lincoln was murdered. The tree lined background is the site of the Pioneer Cemetery which rests on the precipice above the  Beechfork River. It is here that Captain Abraham Lincoln was buried in 1788.

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The Mitchell Cemetery

Daniel Mitchell, son of Robert and Naomi Shipley Mitchell built a cabin near the banks of the Beechfork after his marriage to Jane Berry in 1794. Jane was a companion and cousin to Nancy Hanks. The log home still stands today, although covered by a modern structure. The nearby fenced cemetery contains the graves of Daniel Mitchell, his wife, Jane, and four of their children.



Latitude 37.72873

Longitude 85.19183


The Sarah Mitchell Thompson Burial Site

The Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church Cemetery is the burial site of Sarah Mitchell Thompson. This church was established in 1833 after Beechland pioneers moved from their meeting house located along the banks of the Beechfork near the Pioneer Cemetery.


Sarah Mitchell Thompson, first cousin and best friend of Nancy Hanks Lincoln, lived for five years with Nancy in the Richard Berry, Sr. home. Her grave is located front center in the Pleasant Grove Cemetery.



Latitude 37.72873

Longitude 85.19183

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The Richard Berry Cabin

The Richard Berry Jr cabin, a double hewn log cabin fronted the road a short distance from the ford at Beech Fork. One of the largest houses in Washington County, it was listed in 1989 on the National Register of Historic Houses. Sadly, Washington County made no effort to save the historic cabin and in 2006 the owner advertised the cabin for sale and it was purchased by Jerry and Linda Bruckeimer and relocated to their Walnut Grove Estate in nearby Bloomfield-Nelson County, Kentucky.



37• 46’ 10”N

85• 13’ 33”W


The Berry Mill

 Edward Berry donated land to Phillip Mattingly in 1819 to build a grist mill, designed as an under-shot type. In exchange, Berry was to have grinding rights. Mrs. Davidson Reed was the last owner and operator of the mill when it closed in 1929.



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The Francis Berry Home

This is the site of the marriage of Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. It is the possible birthplace of President Lincoln.





Mordecai Lincoln Home

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this house built in 1797 by Mordecai Lincoln is the only existing structure, owned and occupied by a member of the Lincoln Family, that still stands on its original site.






Washington County Clerk's Office

This is the place where Thomas Lincoln secured his marriage license.






Uriah Litsey Home Site

Built in 1842 by Uriah Litsey, this house was constructed on a portion of the 600 acres plantation obtained by Richard Berry, Sr. through a land grant December 2, 1785.






The John Thompson House

This house, built on part of Matthew Walton's land, was deeded to John Thompson in 1817. It was later owned by John Calhoun who boasted he cast the only vote for Lincoln in Washington County.






Rev. Jesse Head Homesite

Only a marker remains to identify the site of Rev. Head, the minister who performed the wedding of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, parents of President Abraham Lincoln.




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Historic Stephen C. Brown House

Originaly house is two 18 foot square 2-story log cabins with center open breezeway built circa 1790. Cabins were covered with poplar clapboards circa 1810 with Federal style façade and downstairs rear addition. Upstairs rooms in rear were added later as were kitchen and breakfast room on west side of house. Identical front doors with side lights on first and second floors flanked by pilasters. Entry hall and staircase mirror Mordecai Lincoln House. Original Federal style woodwork includes stone fireplace mantle with paneled pilasters, chair-rails and Shaker cabinetry. Built by Stephen Cocke Brown who married Eleanor Davison, daughter of Elias Davison, the manor house of Zelma Farm, as it was then known, was home to their 11 children who were born in the house. Stephen C. Brown, who died in 1864, and his wife are buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery. Parts of Zelma Farm are now owned by Ed and Kris O'Daniel. Restoration of the house was completed in 1997. 




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